That is the Hamilton County Auditor's Office
Trustworthy • Hands-On • Experienced
Putting My Experience to Work…For you
Sue and I have called Hamilton County home for almost 30 years, living in both Carmel and Cicero. We raised our sons here, all three of which graduated from Hamilton Heights High School.
Currently, I serve as the County Grant Administrator. The Grant Administration department provides centralized oversight and management of the millions of dollars in grant funding obtained by the county each year, to ensure compliance with Federal, State and Local regulations and requirements. This grant funding provides supplemental
resources to the county – above and beyond local tax dollars to bridge the gap between county resources and community needs.
Prior to joining the county in March of 2018, I served as a Legislative Chief of Staff, Nonprofit Administrator and a Partner in a Marketing and Communications consulting firm. I graduated from Indiana University, double majoring in Journalism and Criminal Justice. I hold an MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University and am also a graduate of the National Associations of Counties High Performance Leadership Academy.
Throughout my career, I have been involved in government at every level, but public service at the local level is the most fulfilling because I get to see the impact daily. Local government is inherently meaningful because it is directly related to building and improving our communities as well as improving the lives of my family, friends, neighbors and community members.
As the County’s “Chief Financial Officer,” the duties and responsibilities of the County Auditor are critical to county operations. First and foremost, the auditor is responsible for maintaining the integrity of financial administration throughout the entirety of county government.
Indiana law places a great deal of responsibility upon the County Auditor. Many of the functions performed by the auditor are complex and require skills, experience and expertise that can only be acquired from working within the office itself.
While it’s true, someone could walk off the street and learn to be the County Auditor…it would take years. And if someone says differently…then they truly do not understand the complexity of the office. The position of County Auditor does not have the luxury of being “an on the job training” opportunity…there is too much at stake. As a member of the Auditor’s senior staff, for the past 6 years…I am the only candidate who has the requisite training and experience which allows for a smooth transition into the position on day one.
You should care because the Auditor is the only elected county official whose statutory duty is to look out for you, the taxpayer, and ensure the county is spending your tax dollars efficiently and legally. That the county isn’t handing out no-bid contracts or allowing money to walk out the back door because internal controls aren’t operating properly or missing altogether.
Voters “hire” the County Auditor. That makes the Auditor accountable to the taxpayers and no one else. That independence gives County Auditors the authority to look over the shoulders of everyone working in county government to make sure that tax dollars are spent for a proper public purpose. It’s the County Auditor’s job to examine every request for money from the dozens of county offices that ask for it.
Because the Auditor is neither appointed by, nor under the hierarchical control of either the executive or legislative body of local government, the integrity of county finances is protected by a dual system of checks and balances. Because of this, you should care that there is someone in that office on day one with the experience to protect your compulsory investment in the county.
As your County Auditor, I will be an independent control or voice that represents every citizen, ensuring the county funds are properly spent and accounted for.
What is a County Auditor
The County Auditor is a Constitutional Office of the State of Indiana. The Auditor is the Chief Fiscal officer of the county and by law, is the watchdog over all county funds and maintains the official records of all receipts, disbursements and fund balances. It is the responsibility of the Auditor to account for the hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars received each year, by the county and to issue warrants (checks) in payment of all county obligations.
The Hamilton County Auditor’s Office is also responsible for maintaining property tax maps and ownership records for the entire county. All deeds transferring property must be passed through the Real Property Department, within the Auditor’s Office. The duties within the County Auditor’s Office are numerous and also include:
Fiscal Responsibility:
Tax Settlement (Property Tax)
Property Tax Refunds
Distribution of CVET, FIT, Excise and Property Tax
Certify Tax Rates
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
County Payroll
Local Income Taxes
Local Income Taxes
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Grants: Federal, State and Local
Capital/Fixed Assets
Fiscal Year End State Board of Accounts Audit
Administrative Responsibilities
The Hamilton County Auditor is Secretary to:
Board of Commissioners
Hamilton County Council
Solid Waste Board
Airport Authority Board
Redevelopment Commission & Authority
Committee Meetings
Other Administrative Responsibilities include:
Tax Sales
County Ordinances/Resolutions
Annual Calendars
Liability Trust Accounts
Operational Responsibilities include managing:
Real Property Department
Settlement Department
Geographical Information Services Department
Accounts Payable Department
Accounts Receivable Department
Payroll Department
Grants Administration
Data Entry (property ownership records)
Reach Me Anytime
For press and general inquiries, contact our headquarters today:
Todd Is honored to have the support of a wide-ranging group of Hamilton County Leaders, current and former elected officials, business leaders and citizens, including
Derek Arrowood Hamilton Heights Schools Superintendent
Brad Beaver County Councilman
Trini Beaver County Recorder
Peggy Beaver Former County Clerk
Susan Byer County Treasurer
Arnie Cooper Hamilton Heights School Board Member
Dawn Coverdale Chief Deputy Auditor
Rhonda Gary Clerk Treasurer Town of Cicero
Mark Hall County Councilman
Matt Hensley Republican State Delegate District, White River Township
Chris Jeter State Rep District 88
Jason LeMaster Ham. County Health Department Administrator
Amy Massillamany County Councilwoman
Robin Mills County Auditor
Steven Rushforth Safety and Risk Manager
Conor Sullivan County Attorney
Emily Pearson Cicero Town Council & Precinct Committeeman
Kevin Poore Hamilton County Assessor
Kent Ward County Surveyor
Robin Ward Former County Assessor